so first off il explain abit about my self so the ppl that might be interested in reading it wil know who i am :)
i'am a 23 year old student in holland currently in my last year in learnings for my bakery license i got my grade 2 license about 2 years ago but deside to keep going to learn more. but do to recent event in my life ex gf other stuff bla bla bla i deside to focus my self on the one thing that made me interested in all of it in the first place chocolate. So for the last year or so if been doing nothing but working with chocolate in school and at the chocolatrie that i ran my intership for 10 weeks Bonbon Atelier A3 in the small town of Hattem. its about a 10 min drive from my home time of Zwolle in the mid/east part of holland, And i have to say its probely the best internship i have EVER had any thing i could learn about chocolate i did any thing i wanted to learn the teach me and there was no pressure of working fast and thing like that there motta was more along the line of doing it right and having passion for it then trying to stamp out and much in the least posible time it would take. now of cours during some of the season like chrismis and so yes it might be abit repeative do to massive orders for company and stuff but that does not take away that its not fun to do. any way i think i drived off abit . as i was saying my plan for the future is to become a chocolatier in holland or wel any where that i can tbh. and my last exame for it is on april 4 after that il have my license for chocolate work then its off to find work in it, Easyer sad then done sadly, but still il keep trying even though i might not find something at first it wont hold me back from making things at home. now as some of you wil prob notice my typing aind rly that good mr engrish is what my buddys online call me and wel tbh i dont mind as long as ppl can read it and understand it :).
so the idea behind this blog is that i show the photo's of all the things i have made in the past year and il make in the up comming time sins i wont have much more time at school am gone try and hammer out a few special things to show my skill in working with chocolate. And yes the bloke in the last photo is me :)
this one i got from my internship its massive and took awhile to make.
this one i made my self part of the internship was to learn how to make simple small things that can be sold for ppl to give for birthdays or things like that.
the told me the wanted me to make this letter as a chalange took me 2 times to get it perfect it end up getting use in the showcase for the store, made me very proud that i made it :)
this i made at school it's very simple but very effective to make looks fun and nice to give away to good friends or to the lovely ladys at the hairsalon to effectively win em over becaus face it every woman loves chocolate :P
this little thing i made for my grandmothers birthday back in november made it at my internship was bit nerveus to make it but it came out pretty nice .
the above 3 i made at school the first 2 i made just to see how it work come out and wel the look great, the other massive one comming in at i think it was 3+ kilo i made that for a teacher for her mothers birthday if am not mistaking took me a day or 2 to put it all together and with the help of a girl in my class who did the flowers for me it came out pretty awesome if i say so my self.
so this photo is a gathering of things i had to make at my internship it was mandatory and tbh might look hard but one's ya understand how it pretty easy and cool to make alot ofthose things can be use in combo with desserts or toppings in pies and stuff, i gave it to my grandma that day think she got a heartattack seeing at how much it was :P
wel this one was just a colletion of things i made at school came out decent the 2 colord hearts i made with my ex gf at the time and the letters i made for my family and friends.
this one was pretty fun to make, basicly i use a baloon that i got from my internship(think the where special as in not chemicly workt or something) and way what i did was dip it in the chocolate machien at school 2 times then let it hard out after it was hard just pop the baloon and done ya got a big bowl of chocolate that ya can wel fill with more chocolate :)
these where the first 2 showcase of chocolate i made at my intership my teacher told me to try and make them to see how far i got along in learning in the past 4 weeks, and ya can see the came out pretty awesome
so the above 2 of chocolate letters i made at school for the school store to sell during sinterklaas its a dutch holyday thingy that starts somewhere between november and december it end abit before chrismiss . but the letters came out nice if i say so my self
wel the above 2 are self explanatory eastern bunnys even though its not eastern yet but made them becaus i was abit bored and school the top one come's in at 3.5 kilo and took me 2 times to complete, The 2 one was i think 1400 gram and was easy to make and fun to do
valentine's day do i need to say more :)
Wel it looks like my first ever blog is complete or atleast for now :)
so if any one is interested in seeing more things or wish to talk about sertent thing or stuff feel free to leave a comment below and il see what i can do :)